foto creadora

I am Carolina. It is a pleasure to have you here. Let me share a bit about myself.

Mental Health and Creativity

Mental health is an essential aspect of humanity, yet it is often overlooked in our society, or it is a taboo subject. Going to the doctor is something most of us have accepted as part of life. However, when we feel there might be issues affecting our emotional and psychological wellbeing, we hesitate and sometimes feel ashamed to seek help from a mental health professional. This hesitation might be partly due to the lack of information we have about mental health and how our society has treated people with mental health issues in our past. However, as science has evolved, we have come to better understand our mind and how it can be affected by biology, genetics, trauma, environmental, and social/learning factors.

I know that part of mental wellness involves helping others understand their mental health, guide them in how to maintain it, and help them identify when to seek help if their mental health requires professional assistance. I offer programs and conversations to normalize and teach individuals and communities the importance of mental health wellness.

Creative expression is also part of our human existence. We are creative beings. Creativity is not only related to the arts. There is creativity in business, in design, in the generation of ideas, in how we teach, and in how we solve problems, to name a few. When I speak of using and cultivating creativity, it refers to every individual's ability to be creative. I am not with creating an end product but with the process of creation. Accessing the creative process can lead to innovative ways to relate to others and the issues and problems affecting our society.

I understand that some people might feel anxious when they read that i use expressive arts and creativity because they could think they will be put on the spot to act, move, create, or speak when they feel they don't want to or can't. I strive to make everyone feel comfortable and to challenge participants to find the comfort zone of what creativity is for them. They might not want to act, but as they witness others act or hear other's stories, this might spark ideas and openness to change when they return to their communities, families, and workplaces without having to be creative in front of others. I meet you where you are.
Salud mental


I focus on helping communities thrive by guiding conversations, delivering education and prevention programs, and leading creative workshops that strengthen mental health, relationships, and life skills.

My Story

I am Carolina. It is a pleasure to have you here. Let me share a bit about myself. I was born in Colombia, South America. My memories of my childhood are filled with good memories of sharing time with my family and friends in Colombia. When I was 11 years old, my immediate family immigrated to the USA due to the violence that my country was experiencing at the time. Immigrating to a new culture was difficult for all of us. Separating from my home country and family was devastating. The advantage of the move was that I eventually learned a new language and culture. However, the journey of living away from home, adapting to a new culture, and craving to go back home continues. My passion for working with the Latinx community comes from my personal experience and desire to help those experiencing immigration.

I also began my journey with the creative arts since early childhood when I started acting in children’s plays and doing community theatre as an adolescent. When I returned to Colombia for a few years when I was 15 years old I joined a local theatre that used community theatre to improve neighborhoods by promoting positive behavior through skits and small plays. I stayed with this theatre until I began my college career in psychology. My experience with community theatre was the seed that led me to later explore how theatre and the creative arts could be combined with psychology and mental health to create and promote change. When I returned to the USA to finish my undergraduate studies, I met an art therapist that introduced me to the field of drama therapy. When I graduated, I moved to San Francisco to study Drama therapy. I only did one semester of Drama therapy and discovered the tremendous power of combining the arts to support and sustain mental health. My life took a few turns, and it took some years before I returned to school to strengthen my knowledge of the arts and mental health counseling. Now I am eager to share with you the power of this combination.

Carolina Castaño, LPC

Licensed Professional Counselor

Carolina Castaño Loaiza holds a Bachelor of Science with a major in Psychology, a Master of Arts degree in Interdisciplinary Studies and a Master of Science in Clinical Mental Health Counseling. She is a Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC) in the state of Ohio. Carolina Castaño Loaiza has also participated in acting programs and troupes since childhood. She was born in Colombia and is fluent in Spanish and English. She believes the arts are the path to the soul of humanity. She works to create spaces and situations for teens and adults to channel their creative energy in constructive ways that will support their mental, physical, emotional and social growth.

Collaborative Programs

I incorporate a trauma-informed lens and expressive arts (movement, role-playing, drama, writing, and visual arts) in their programming. Some examples of mental health topics that I can address are:

1. Mental health wellness
2. Life Skills
3. Conflict resolution skills
4. Different substance use and abuse topics
5. Healthy communication skills
6. Acculturation issues
7. Building healthy relationships with teens
8. Team-building skills
9. Grief and death

Established Programs

Strengthening our Communication

I understand that one essential aspect of supportive and thriving communities is healthy communication. Healthy communication is a lifelong task and requires commitment, skills, and a desire to hear and understand different views and acceptance of the other. One way to achieve good communication is when individuals and communities can recognize and express their feelings, needs, and wants in clear and comprehensive ways and can convey this information to others in their family, work, and community environments.

Alcohol and other Drugs

1. The basics:
This workshop is designed for adults and teens to understand the basics of alcohol and drug use. To explore what relationship you wish to have with alcohol and drugs and find resources to gain further information.

2. On my side:
This workshop is designed for teens living with an adult that has an addiction problem. Living with someone that struggles with an addiction disorder is confusing, overwhelming, and disorienting. This workshop is intended to help teens living with an adult that has an addiction understand some of the behavior that the person with the addiction does and learn self-care and coping techniques to help them live in this environment.

Navigating the Teen years

The teen years are full of change, and this change can be overwhelming at times. This workshop normalizes the expected changes of adolescence and helps you find the best way to navigate these years that fits your life and values. This workshop can be tailored to adults or teens.

Cultivating Mental Health Wellness

What do we do daily to help ourselves feel better and stronger in our mental health? This workshop explores what mental health is, how we can strengthen it, the therapy process, and how to seek professional help.

Creative Workshop and Classes

Improv Theatre Fun

Fun with improv theatre games. This class is for fun and does not require any acting abilities or interest. The focus is on enjoyment and exploration. Have you ever felt you would like to try some theatre games or explore acting improv but without the pressure to perform or learn techniques but just for its fun. Then this is the class for you.

Expressive Arts Exploration

Imagine coming into a class where you will find the room divided into creative stations for writing, meditating, drawing, doing yoga, dancing. At the same time, your host has created a playlist that allows you to go into a journey of expression and creation. Your host creates a space for you to let go and express yourself.

Storymaking for my Life

This class explores how character building and creating stories can help us re-author and re-create our story or a specific aspect of it.

Can't make it in person? Join us virtually!

Self-care playlist creation

Separate sessions for adults and teens. We will explore how to create playlists to express ourselves, release emotions, and help us release stress energy for self-care.

Can't make it in person? Join us virtually!


Helping communities thrive through mental health wellness and creativity. 


To improve society by recognizing, supporting, promoting, and cultivating 

mental health wellness and creativity as essential rights of individuals.